– Running school Subotica

Train for your first half marathon with the help of Running school Subotica

What is running school?

Running school is half year long exercise program, which is dedicated to introduce total begginers to the running world. If you want to run for recreationl purposes or if you want to prepare for the half marathon we have programmes for you depending on your capabilities and goals. We are part of the bigest Serbian running site trč From 2017. we are part of the Running school programe which egsist in 15 cities in Serbia.

What is main goal of this program?

We  guarantee that even the beginner, by the end of the course, will be able to run for an hour and a half without stopping.

You will notice physical changes of you body after only 2 months of training. You are gonna be more fulfilled, more energetic and more aware of you own body and with time you gone be stronger and faster. Our second goal is to build  consistency and continuity with three weekly training sessions.
Our monthly training program  is divided on three or more groups depending on the possibilities of the trainee. It includes coaching oversight, carefully planed strength and stretch exercise, organized race day travel and of course socializing on and off the track.

When it is needed we organize educational courses on multiple subjects, such as running diet, gear, injuries and running technics etc.

Our mision

If you are second guessing whether you should start running after long period of  inactivity or if you are afraid that somebody is going to laugh while you are running on the streets of your city.
If you are afraid how would you look in leggings, or if you are afraid that you won’t persevere until the end? Or if you just need company for the first steps?

How do you think it would feel when, just under 6 months, you get into the habit of training, meet great company in the process and to ( just like the icing on the cake) run you first race and forever push your own boundaries?

In our school you are never alone, and we know that first steps are of the great importance and that they leave biggest impression on the individual.  If you are from Subotica or surrounding area lets make those first steps together in one great team. Our students, those that already passed one of two of our course (summer or winter), know all about our team spirit and they successfully transitioned to running world and they continue to run races.

In cooperation with the sports association Horizont, this time we will prepare the participants for the 2nd Subotica half marathon in the summer running school, in which we enroll students in April.
We will have trainings three times a week, where participants will receive detailed instructions on how to prepare for half marathon length. We will also provide one completely free training per week, for which we can be joined by those who already have some racing experience, are not afraid of length and want to run with company. That training should be on a Sunday, some short length, in the Duduva šuma (Mulberry Forest) with the start at 9 am and in the sign of the 2nd Subotica half marathon. (About the changes below links).

You will be taken care of by the coaches of the running school in Subotica, Ildiko Fabo, a graduated cycling coach with 28 years of sports experience gained in endurance sports, cycling, running and triathlon, and Dr. Silvija Keseg, a specialist in sports medicine, enthusiasts of running, yoga and a healthy lifestyle.

You can find us on or on ours facebook group.
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